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Corona virus effects

More than 200 scientists have written to the government urging them to introduce tougher measures to tackle the spread of Covid-19. In an open letter , the 229 specialists in disciplines ranging from mathematics to genetics - though no leading experts in the science of the spread of diseases - say the UK's current approach will put the NHS under additional stress and "risk many more lives than necessary". The signatories also criticised comments made by Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, about managing the spread of the infection to make the population immune. The Department of Health said Sir Patrick's comments had been misinterpreted. The scientists - all from UK universities - also questioned the government's view that people would become fed up with restrictions if they were imposed too soon. Their letter was published on the day it was announced 10 more people in the UK have died after testing positive for coronavirus, bringing the total number of deaths to 21. Meanwhile the government's scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage) advised that measures to protect vulnerable people - including household isolation - "will need to be instituted soon". Sir Patrick and the UK's chief medical adviser, Prof Chris Whitty, have said they intend to publish the computer models on which their strategy is based. UK virus measures will have the 'biggest impact' Why is the UK not shutting schools like other countries? Three reasons why the UK might not follow Italy The UK's approach to coping with the coronavirus pandemic has been in stark contrast to other countries. The whole of Italy has been on lockdown since Tuesday , while Poland is set to close its borders for two weeks. On Saturday the French government ordered the closure of all non-essential public locations from midnight (23:00 GMT Saturday). And Spain has declared a 15-day national lockdown on Monday to battle the virus, Measures 'insufficient' In the open letter the group of scientists argue that stronger "social distancing measures" would "dramatically" slow the rate of growth of the disease in the UK, and would spare "thousands of lives". The group, specialising in a range of disciplines, ranging from mathematics to genetics said the current measures are "insufficient" and "additional and more restrictive measures should be taken immediately", as is happening in other countries. Chart showing how control measures may reduce spread if virus in UK Presentational white space On Friday, Sir Patrick suggested managing the spread of the disease so that the population gains some immunity to the disease was a part of the government strategy. This idea, known as "herd immunity", means at-risk individuals are protected from infection because they are surrounded by people who are resistant to the disease.

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